T h e  M o s e l l e

Beautiful River of France and Germany.

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About Pictures: Although River is originating in France, but here France part is missing. Only Showing German Part ( from Trier to Koblenz) To make fast loading I have to lower the resolution of Pictures

H a s s a n` s

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G e o M a n i a.

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formerly capital  of  the Crover Reich .

Dedicated to:  Maliha

About Site: On my 3rd visit to
Germany  I able to come at Koblenz.
I bought a  viewcard of
20 beautiful pictures (3.50 DM) .
Strange is

that I find these pictures are
as beautiful as those of the  Rhine valley. 
But I have never seen any
Geographic or Travel
article on the Moselle.
Probably it has very short run.
My poor Knowledge !
Instantly I thought
I will build a site
on the Moselle 
to let other know about it.



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Moselle-valley Bridge: Highest motorway bridge in Germany. 466ft high. 3281 ft long.

About Me: I am Aminul Hassan,
a Telecom Engineer from Bangladesh,
BTTB. Building Web site is my pastime
and sometimes  job.



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Koblenz: The Moselle is meeting the Rhine. I have seen this picture many times in Geographic and other Travel megazine. From Pictures I always thought it the moselle is coming from the east but it is from the west. Now I am here.
Most of the Pictures are taken from this castle ignoring it`s existence. It was used in second world war still could be set of
war movie. It reminds me the castle in the film " Where Eagle Dare". and I try to ask where that could be in Germany. But could not pose the question properly to anybody. 




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